Random thoughts, observations, and opinions of a software engineer in corporate America.
And such things
Published on July 15, 2004 By CS Guy In Blogging
Back when I was a Lecturer at university, my boss and I would often tease each other about dogs. She was a fervent dog lover, and I do not like the slavishly moronic beasts.

This one morning I arrived on campus and proceeded to the department office to check my mail. It was a beautiful spring day, and I was in a pretty good mood.

So I enter the office as my boss is leaving. She sees a smile on my face and asks in a slightly sarcastic tone, “What’s got you in such a good mood?”

I replied, “I got to run over a dog on the way here.”

Now this was just some good natured ribbing on my part, and she knew it, but she feigned shock and told me, “That’s not funny! I’m on my way to take my dog to the vet!”

To which I replied, “Oh? Was he run over about fifteen minutes ago?”

I guess the point is that I don’t like dogs.

on Jul 15, 2004
Just for the record, I made the comment on your Confessions of an Atheist blog BEFORE I read this one...

on Jul 15, 2004
Just for the record, I made the comment on your Confessions of an Atheist blog BEFORE I read this one...

Heh, if you say so.
on Jul 15, 2004
"I guess the point is that I don’t like dogs."

Why do you hate America?
on Jul 15, 2004
Why do you hate America?

on Jul 15, 2004
It was a joke.
on Jul 15, 2004
It was a joke.

OH, ok. I was confused since I do not hate America, I just hate Americans.
on Jul 16, 2004
You don't like dogs? I'm taking you off my list of favorite bloggers (kidding). How could you not like dogs? Sure I've heard the classic dog vs cat arguement: "If you beat a dog, it will come back the next day begging forgiveness. If you beat a cat its gone." Thats just rediculous. Dogs are very loyal and like being part of the group. They are only so dependent on us because we can't just let them roam the neighborhood like cats. And if someone beats a dog, we shouldn't find the dogs personality the thing at fault in the situation.

Anyways, just a barely connected rant inspired by a stray thought.
on Jul 16, 2004

Reply #4 By: little_whip - 7/15/2004 7:29:59 PM
i love my dogs, its people i cant stand.


OH, ok. I was confused since I do not hate America, I just hate Americans.



on Jul 16, 2004
Aw, man, CS, I was just beginning to like you.
on Jul 16, 2004
A dog looks at us and thinks, "This person feeds me, shelters me, and takes care of my every need... he must be a god!"

A cat looks at us and thinks, "This person feeds me, shelters me, and takes care of my every need... I must be a god!"