Random thoughts, observations, and opinions of a software engineer in corporate America.
Corporate Life
Published on June 30, 2004 By CS Guy In Life Journals
So I work for a rather large company that, among many other things, produces software for the U.S. Government. Today we have a code freeze for our next release. A code freeze is pretty much what it sounds like... no more coding after this point. The thing that is bothering me is that tomorrow the powers-that-be are going to meet to decide what should be done for this release of our software.

Let me rephrase that. Tomorrow they are going to decide what work we should have done by today.

Where did I put that e-mail address for Scott Adams...

on Jul 04, 2004
Sounds like a project I am working on: a pilot test that is 3 months overdue. It will soon be decided whether it will be killed or continued with different software. I need that email addy, too...