Random thoughts, observations, and opinions of a software engineer in corporate America.
14 Year-old Seeks IVF Fertility Treatment
Published on July 4, 2004 By CS Guy In Current Events
I find this just bizarre... Link

Anyone out there with some insight into what might be going through these girls' heads?

on Jul 04, 2004

I can only think of two possibilities:

1. They are insecure about their future and hoping for a baby to financially trap a guy into supporting them.

2. They are looking for love and acceptance, either from the baby or their boyfriends, and hoping the baby will provide that for them.

I may be way off base here. Anyone have any other possibilities?
on Jul 04, 2004

I think it's the unconditional love and acceptance aspect. 

Just my 2 cents worth.

on Jul 04, 2004
I have a 14 year old daughter, and I'm sitting here shaking my head at the article, but at the same time understanding how the need for love and acceptance could bring a child to that point. The news item just brought me face to face yet again with fears I have for my daughter....she's never had a real father-daughter relationship with her bio dad, and her first stepfather was good with her until she hit the preteen stage, and then he couldn't handle her attitude and got abusive....so it's only been in the last couple of years, with her current stepdad that she's had a real father figure she loves and trusts---and that came directly from her a few weeks ago.
Anyhow, didn't mean to start rambling, but this just kinda rocked my world.

1. They are insecure about their future and hoping for a baby to financially trap a guy into supporting them.

For the record, none of the 14 yr old girls I know would be thinking in these terms.....

on Jul 04, 2004
For the record, none of the 14 yr old girls I know would be thinking in these terms.....

I've never known 14-year-olds to do this, but I have had personal experience with a couple of 16-year-olds. One tried to trap me after she had become pregnant because she thought I had a future where her boyfriend did not (note that I never did anything with her, but she sure tried to get me to). Her plan was to claim the baby was mine, and I guess hope I didn't ask for a test. If had at least 2 other friends with similar experiences.

One of those friends really did get his girlfriend pregnant, but when he showed up for the court-appointed test he was one of seven guys.
on Jul 04, 2004
For the record, none of the 14 yr old girls I know would be thinking in these terms.....

Sadly, a few that I know and have known, would. I would lean towards the other possible explanation myself, though.
on Jul 04, 2004
I've never known 14-year-olds to do this, but I have had personal experience with a couple of 16-year-olds. One tried to trap me after she had become pregnant because she thought I had a future where her boyfriend did not (note that I never did anything with her, but she sure tried to get me to). If had at least 2 other friends with similar experiences.

14 and 16 can be an entire lifetime apart, though, although chronologically it's only two years.....
on Jul 04, 2004
14 and 16 can be an entire lifetime apart, though, although chronologically it's only two years.....

22 and 24 can be a lifetime apart... they were for me. But just because they can be does not mean they always are.
on Jul 05, 2004
"Anyone out there with some insight into what might be going through these girls' heads?"

The answer to your question is answered in the article that you link.
on Jul 05, 2004
The answer to your question is answered in the article that you link.

I don't like to rely on single sources.
on Jul 06, 2004
I don't know if I would qualify as a "source" but Dharma and I wrote a series of articles on this topic a while ago. Nice blog by the way I think I will put it on my blogroll.
on Jul 07, 2004
I don't know if I would qualify as a "source" but Dharma and I wrote a series of articles on this topic a while ago.

Everyone is a source in my book. You no less than the expert quoted.

Nice blog by the way I think I will put it on my blogroll.

Hey thanks! I think you are the first person to do so (to my knowledge).