Random thoughts, observations, and opinions of a software engineer in corporate America.
Saving Lives or Risking Them?
Published on July 13, 2004 By CS Guy In Current Events
The Philippines joined Spain today in surrendering to terrorism.

The Philippine Government issued a statement saying that they will withdraw their humanitarian contingent in Iraq in order to appease terrorists holding Angelo de la Cruz. The terrorists were threatening to behead the truck driver if Philippine support in Iraq was not removed.

Foreign Secretary Delia Albert has stated, "Philippine President Gloria Arroyo has to weigh the life of de la Cruz, a father of eight and one of about 7 million Filipinos working abroad to support families at home, against her support for U.S. President George W. Bush's campaign against terrorism, which has won her increased American military aid."

I can certainly sympathize with the desire to spare the lives of her people, but I wonder how terrorists will react to this obvious sign of weakness. Will they now ignore the Philippine people? Or will they see this as an encouragement to perpetrate more acts of evil?

Link: http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000087&sid=awrm3mzklaPs&refer=top_world_news

on Jul 13, 2004
While saving the life of Angelo de la Cruz is a noble endeavor, there is a profound statement being made by Spain and the Philippines that terrorist groups are hearing loud and clear. If you wish to break the will of our countries, you now know exactly what to do.
on Jul 13, 2004
Positive reinforcement of a behavior often results in more of that behavior.