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Micromanaged Musings
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Philippines Buddying Up to the US
Too little, too late?
Published on July 21, 2004 By
CS Guy
Current Events
The Philippines caved in to terrorism recently when it decided to withdraw its peacekeeping troops from Iraq in exchange for the release of a Filipino hostage. This action has received much criticism, mainly from the United States, claiming that appeasement of terrorists will just encourage more kidnappings and acts of intimidation.
Well, now their government is trying to
the United States.
Presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye said the Philippines will remain a strong ally of the United States, which argued that the pullout would encourage terrorists.
"We still consider the United States as our big brother in the security arena," he said. "Our long-standing and maturing relationship with the United States will survive this hostage crisis. We will maintain our strong stand against terrorism in the face of this isolated event."
Australia’s Prime Minister John Howard recently spoke out against the Philippines appeasement to Iraqi terrorists indicating his belief that this line of action makes the Philippines a ripe target for future terrorism.
"Naturally, I'm happy that the man has been released, but the price that has been paid for this is a very high price," Howard told Brisbane Radio 4BC. "Yes, I do believe it was a mistake.”
"I don't believe in the long run it's going to buy the Philippines any greater immunity from future terrorist attacks," he said. "The record of al-Qaida and other organizations is that they hold weakness in contempt, that if people make concessions, in the medium to longer term, they will still pursue those people and they will see them as a softer and more vulnerable target."
On the other hand,
has vowed to keep its troops in Iraq despite terrorist threats. A statement posted on an Islamist Web site threatened attacks against Japan unless it follows the example of the Philippines.
Japan’s Deputy Cabinet Secretary Masaaki Yamazaki has stated, "For the rebuilding of Iraq, we must continue our support and not give in to terrorism."
Steven DenBeste
offers the Philippines some good advice in their foreign policy.
The government of the Philippines better start emphasizing to the Japanese government just how good of friends they are, because when Japanese citizens in Iraq start getting kidnapped, the government in Tokyo is liable to have a hard time remembering it.
In the mean time, I have a quick pointer for the government of the Philippines about American psychology: When someone tells us what good friends they are, we usually assume they are trying to take advantage of us. Real friends don't need to say such things, because real friends demonstrate their friendship with actions, not with words.
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