Random thoughts, observations, and opinions of a software engineer in corporate America.
More Idiocy in Corporate America
Published on July 26, 2004 By CS Guy In Blogging
I am a vendor. This is a term used by the company that owns the building in which I work. Vendors are people who work for other companies. Some places call these people sub-contractors. Names vary, but the point is that I am a visitor in this building, even though I work every day here.

To get to my office I must pass through three secure doors. The door into the building, the door in the lobby that leads to the work locations, and the door that leads into my program's work area. This has nothing to do with being a vendor; everyone that works on my program must do the same. At each of these secure locations I must swipe an ID card to unlock the door.

A few weeks ago the "native" workers (those who work for the host company) were given new ID badges that were proximity badges. The vendors were not. We were told we would be getting new cards "soon".

Well, not soon enough, it would seem.

Today I get to work and someone has replaced the swipe readers with proximity readers. This means that non of the vendors can open any of the multitude of doors that we must negotiate in order to do such things as: get to our offices, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, go to the cafeteria, or personally interact with anyone outside our work area.

Freaking idiots.

on Jul 26, 2004
Add in a comment from management that says something like the new badge readers make work easier and you've got your very own Dilbert strip come to life.