Random thoughts, observations, and opinions of a software engineer in corporate America.
CS Guy's Articles In Home & Family
July 11, 2004 by CS Guy
Recently one of the special people here had this to say about one of my articles: "...that was really special." That made me laugh, which was probably not the effect the writer was going for, but it's a good one nonetheless. You see, the word "special" has a... well, special meaning to my family, particularly to one of my brothers and me. When I was a child my mother would offer many words of encouragement. Such things as, “You can become anything that you want,” and “You’re such ...
June 30, 2004 by CS Guy
I just don't understand some of the sickness we see in the world. Take this extremely sad situation. What drives a man to do this sort of act? I've always prided myself on being able to step into other people's shoes and view the world from differing perspectives, but I just can't get my head around someone like this. Is this evil incarnate?I need to go find something a little more pleasant to contemplate.